No more searching around for the best homeschool planner for moms. Use this guide to make your own and enjoy the creative process!

Near the end of every year, the story is always the same. Everyone goes on the hunt for a planner for the new year. The choices are endless. Some of them have too many pages you won’t use, while others don’t have pages you actually need. You find some really beautiful ones, but they are super expensive, and you don’t want to commit.
As a homeschool mom, you don’t need the typical school year calendar that goes from July to June. You might homeschool year-round or wait to start until September. Plus, you need space to plan out your school topics and keep track of attendance. A space to keep track of books you have read this year, and maybe a fun page to color them in.
A bullet journal could be the perfect planner for you!
Why A Bullet Journal Is Perfect As A Homeschool Planner for Moms
I believe that using a bullet journal is the best planner for moms who homeschool because it is totally customizable. Homeschooling is so different across families. Some homeschoolers school year-round, others travel the world or states and fit homeschool in when they can. No one wants to spend money on a planner that just doesn’t work for them.
A bullet journal can be created with exactly the pages you need, no more and no less. For all moms who homeschool, there are specific pages that are helpful across the board. But then, some homeschool moms like to plan everything out very detailed for the year, and others have a more laid-back approach. Whatever type of homeschool mom you are, a bullet journal is a great way to customize the pages that you need for your journey.
Attendance Tracker in Your Homeschool Planner for Moms

As the mom and homeschool educator, it is your job to track attendance. Attendance doesn’t mean the same thing as it does when you send your kids to public school. For example, when you send your kids to public school in Tennessee, they are required to attend for 180 days in the whole year. That is 180 days spent in class for roughly 8 hours, not including extra-curricular activities after school. For homeschooling in Tennessee, I also have to report 180 days. But my days aren’t required to be 8 hours long. If I spend a morning out doing a nature study and hiking, I count that as a day of schooling.
As you add multiple kids to your homeschool schedule, it can get a little hectic keeping track of attendance. This is why I love keeping track on one page in my bullet journal. All it takes is a quick flip to the attendance page, checking off a box for each kid at the end of the day, and you are good to go.
At the end of the year, when it is time to report attendance, you have it all in one location. Easy access and no stress.
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Reading Log in Your Homeschool Planner for Moms

If you are a homeschool mom, chances are you will read a lot of books, both personally and out loud with your children.
A bullet journal is the perfect place to keep track of all the books read in a year. You can create a reading log page to write down all of the book titles and authors. You can even keep track of the date you read each book and give it a rating from one to five stars. Keep track of just your personally read books only or keep track of personally read books plus the chapter books you read aloud with your kids. You will love having a reading log to come back to and see what books you read each year. And a place to remind yourself which books you would love to read again someday and others to never read again!
Creating a reading log page in your bullet journal is super easy. Write the page name across the top however fancy you want it to look. Decide what things you want to track for each book (title, author, date read, rating, etc.) Depending on how many books you plan to read or think you can read in a year, this page might need to be a two-page spread, possibly more if you read insane amounts or plan to track your read alouds with your kids too. Make columns for each thing you want to track. Every time you complete a book, flip to this page and fill out the necessary information. Add small drawings, stickers, or washi tape to decorate if you want.
Bookshelf Page in Your Homeschool Planner for Moms

It is also super fun to keep a visual tracker of the books you are reading. I just call it my bookshelf page. This just adds a fun page for you to get creative. Use your artsy side to add some color, stickers and washi tape to the page. My bookshelf page is always my favorite page in my bullet journal. I love the way it looks, especially as you color in the books as you read throughout the year.
This page is always good to make a two-page spread. Draw shelves spaced evenly across the two pages. I usually decide on a number of books I want to read for my goal that year, and then start drawing books stacked, standing and leaning all over the bookshelves. If you need fewer books, draw them thicker and leave space for decorating with stickers and/or drawings. I love adding lots of plants and fun bookends on my shelves. If you plan to read a lot of books, draw them thinner and you won’t have as much space for decoration.
Do you keep track of all of the books you read each year? Let me know in the COMMENTS what has been your favorite book so far this year!
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