Grab your free number tracing worksheets for extra practice. A great way to improve pencil grip and fine motor skills in younger kids.

Benefits of Number Tracing Worksheets
Anytime young kids have a new concept to learn, repetition is key. When you grab the free number tracing worksheets, it is easy to help your child get daily practice for number recognition. Along with the daily practice of tracing numbers, they will also see improvement in these areas:
- Pencil grip
- Writing skills
- Fine motor skills
- Basic math concepts

How to Print Your Number Tracing Worksheets
The first thing you need to do is grab your free number tracing worksheets. Type in your email below to have it sent straight to your inbox.
Once you download your number charts, print them using regular printer paper. You will notice that the first number chart is completely filled in with all of the numbers 1-100. The remaining two number charts have lots of empty spaces.
How to Use Your Number Tracing Worksheets
If your child is still learning to recognize numbers 1-100, you will want to start with the number chart that is completely filled in. Have them practice their number formation by tracing the numbers as they count from 1-100. Something that could be beneficial is to change ink color each row so they can visualize the groups of 10.
Once your child can easily recognize their numbers, you can start using the other missing number charts. Have your child start at the top, tracing the numbers that are there and filling in any missing number along the way.
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Ways to Make Your Number Tracing Worksheets Reusable:
If you are teaching number recognition to multiple kids (like in a kindergarten classroom setting), or just want to not print off as many copies for one child, here are some paper saving options.

- Laminate the pages. Then your child can use dry erase markers to trace and write the numbers. When they are done, wipe it off and start again. Plus, I feel confident you will find many other ways to use your laminator! It very quickly became a staple for our homeschool prep.
- Grab a pack of dry erase pockets. Same concept as a laminator where you use dry erase markers to write on them and then wipe them off to use again. All you do is print the 1-100 worksheets, insert in the dry erase pocket, and you are good to go!
- Snag this reusable wooden board from Jack + Link. Definitely on the more expensive end, but it is a high quality product and is more aesthetically pleasing.
More Simple Methods to Learn Number Recognition and Practice Writing Skills
Another really great way for your child to improve their number recognition is to use a 100s board. While you can use a neutral board, I prefer our colorful board. The reason being it helps your child visually group numbers together based on their color. This is especially helpful when they are just starting out learning their numbers.
Along the same lines as a 100s board, the popper toys are extremely popular right now as well. Grab a 1-100 number popper to keep their hands busy and learning at the same time.
You can also grab a set of these number tracing cards to give your child an additional way to get in daily practice with number formation. These are great for making learning more portable. Take them in the car, to the appointment, or just throw them in your morning basket.
How to Set Up the Tracing Cards:
- Print in color.
- Laminate to make them more durable.
- Cut along the dotted lines.
- Add a hole punch in either the upper left or right corner.
- Attach all of the cards using a binder ring.

These number tracing worksheets and cards are a great addition to your morning basket! And remember, the key is practice and repetition. Don’t get discouraged if it takes a while. Your child isn’t behind. He/she is just learning at their own pace.
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